Interested in Horseback Riding in Mali?

February 5, 2010

I’ve organized a few photos taken during my recent travels to Mali so that I can share them with those of you who are intetrested in joining me on horseback treks in this culturally rich and delightful country.

The ride currently in the works is in January 2010 and will include the Festival au Desert in Essakane out of Tombouctou. We will ride with the Tuareg and experience their way of life and love of the vast Sahara Dessert.

Other Malian riding destinations include Pays Dogon also known as Dogon Country, and Hamdallaye, the Fulani area.

All rides and tours are arranged with my Malian partner who is a licenced tour operator: Gorel Sidibeh. The Tombouctou portion of our tours are in alliance with Shindouk M. Lamine ould Najim who is the President of the Association of Guides in Tombouctou. Gorel and Shindouk are partners in their company called Sahara Passion.

Please feel free to contact me for details on the Tombouctou ride or with inquiries on additional destinations in Mali at

Meanwhile, enjoy the photos!
Debbie Logan

Gorel Sidibeh can be contacted at

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